Bat Access Tiles

In the UK, all bats and their roosts are protected under the Wildlife & Countryside Act of 1981 and the Conservation (Natural Habitats,etc.) Regulations 1994. This, amongst other protective laws, makes it an offence to ​disturb bats when they are roosting and obstruct, damage or destroy the places where bats live (this applies even if the bats are not in residence). Violation can lead to unlimited fines or up to 6 months imprisonment.

What is a bat access tile?

A bat access tile allows bats safe passage through a roof to help them into roosting areas in lofts and roof voids whilst maintaining the watertight integrity of the roof. This technology is approved by ecological experts as a safe and lawful way to allow bats access to their roosts.

Bats and people have been sharing dwellings for thousands of years. Modern building techniques and a change in land use have made bat roosting sites scarce, endangering the survival of many species. As a result artificial roost sites such as bridges, barns, roof voids have become essential for bat survival. Bat conservation and eco-surveys are often a condition of planning to protect bats and their habitats before planning permission is granted.

Architects and builders all over the UK use our lead bat access tiles, the sleek design has minimal impact on the roofs aesthetics while the high quality lead material used is durable and long lasting. 

Leadworx fabricates a range of lead flashing products made using 100% recyclable Code 4 sheet lead milled to British Standard BS EN 12588.

What do you do if you find bats in your roof?

If you find bats in your roof in the UK, it’s important to know that bats are a protected species, so they must not be harmed or disturbed. 

First, avoid direct contact and do not attempt to remove the bats yourself. Instead, contact the Bat Conservation Trust (BCT) or a licensed bat worker, who can advise you on appropriate actions. 

You can also reach out to Natural England, Natural Resources Wales, or Scottish Natural Heritage, depending on your location. These organisations can guide you through the process of safely managing bats in your property and ensure any actions comply with the law.