A large order of bat access vents going out today.

Leadworx bat access vents are designed to provide safe passage for bats into roosting areas in lofts and roof voids whilst maintaining the water tight integrity of your roof. They are made from Code 4 sheet lead milled to British Standard BS EN 12588.
Bats and people have been sharing dwellings for thousands of years. Modern building techniques and a change in land use have made bat roosting sites scarce endangering the survival of many species. As a result artificial roost sites such as bridges, barns, roof voids have become essential for bat survival. Bat conservation and eco-surveys are often a condition of planning to protect bats and their habitats before planning permission is granted. More information can be found at www.bats.org.uk.
Leadworx bat access slate comes in a standard size although bespoke sizes can be quickly fabricated on request.

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